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Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE003511, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1527578


Resumo Objetivo Investigar as opiniões e atitudes dos estudantes de enfermagem no papel de pacientes ou familiares de pacientes, a respeito do comportamento de higiene das mãos dos profissionais de saúde e da participação dos pacientes na campanha de higiene das mãos. Métodos Estudo transversal prospectivo realizado entre 2021-2022 no Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, de duas universidades turcas. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 330 alunos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário autoaplicável. A taxa de resposta do questionário foi de 89,43%. O teste qui-quadrado foi utilizado na análise dos dados. Resultados A média de idade dos estudantes foi de 19,80±1,30 anos, 76,1% eram do sexo feminino, 50,9% afirmaram ter recebido instrução sobre Infecções Associadas aos Cuidados de Saúde (IACS). Enquanto 30,1% dos estudantes relataram realizar a higiene das mãos "9 a 11 vezes" em sua vida diária, 54,6% relataram "12 a 15 vezes" no hospital, e 96,4% dos estudantes se perguntaram se os profissionais de saúde realizavam a higiene das mãos antes de fornecer cuidados durante as internações. De acordo com 30,5% dos estudantes, lembretes dos pacientes e seus familiares sobre a realização da higiene das mãos antes do contato com os pacientes os deixariam satisfeitos. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a instrução anterior dos estudantes sobre IACS e a higiene das mãos como cuidado importante a pacientes hospitalizados (p<0,05). Conclusão Os estudantes de enfermagem apresentaram conhecimento suficiente sobre a higiene das mãos e uma atitude positiva frente aos comportamentos de higiene das mãos dos profissionais de saúde. Estudantes de enfermagem como pacientes e familiares dos pacientes podem ser incluídos nas campanhas de higiene das mãos dos profissionais de saúde, desde que as etapas do programa sejam bem planejadas.

Resumen Objetivo Investigar las opiniones y actitudes de los estudiantes de enfermería en el papel de pacientes o familiares de pacientes respecto al comportamiento de higiene de manos de los profesionales de la salud y de la participación de los pacientes en la campaña de higiene de manos. Métodos Estudio transversal prospectivo realizado entre 2021 y 2022 en el Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, de dos universidades turcas. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 330 alumnos. Los datos se recopilaron mediante cuestionario autoaplicado. El índice de respuesta del cuestionario fue de 89,43 %. Se utilizó la prueba ji cuadrado en el análisis de los datos. Resultados El promedio de edad de los estudiantes fue de 19,80±1,30 años, el 76,1 % era de sexo femenino, el 50,9 % afirmó haber recibido instrucción sobre infecciones asociadas a los cuidados de la salud (IACS). Mientras el 30,1 % de los estudiantes relató realizar la higiene de manos "9 a 11 veces" en su vida diaria, el 54,6 % relató "12 a 15 veces" en el hospital, el 96,4 % de los estudiantes se preguntó si los profesionales de la salud realizaban la higiene de manos antes de brindar cuidados durante las internaciones. El 30,5 % de los estudiantes estuvo satisfecho con los recordatorios de los pacientes y sus familiares sobre la realización de la higiene de manos antes del contacto con los pacientes. Hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la instrucción anterior de los estudiantes sobre IACS y la higiene de manos como cuidado importante en pacientes hospitalizados (p<0,05). Conclusión Los estudiantes de enfermería presentaron conocimientos suficientes sobre la higiene de manos y una actitud positiva frente a los comportamientos de higiene de manos de los profesionales de la salud. Puede incluirse a los estudiantes de enfermería como pacientes y familiares de los pacientes en las campañas de higiene de manos de los profesionales de la salud, siempre que las etapas del programa estén bien planificadas.

Abstract Objective To investigate the views and attitudes of nursing students, as patients or relatives, on healthcare professionals' hand hygiene behavior and patient participation hand hygiene campaign. Methods This prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the nursing departments of the health and science faculties at two Turkish universities between 2021-2022. The study sample comprised 330 students. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The response rate of the questionnaire was 89.43%. Chi-square test was used in data analysis. Results The mean age of students was 19.80±1.30 years, 76.1% were female, 50.9% stated they had received education regarding healthcare-associated infections (HAI). While 30.1% of students reported they performed hand hygiene "9-11 times" in their daily lives, 54.6% reported performing "12-15 times" in the hospital, and 96.4% of students expressed wondering if healthcare professionals performed hand hygiene before offering care during hospitalizations. Among students, 30.5% stated that reminders from patients and their relatives about performing hand hygiene before contact with patients would make them happy. There was a statistically significant difference between students' previous training in HAIs and hand hygiene as an important inpatient care (p<0.05). Conclusion Nursing students had sufficient knowledge of hand hygiene and a positive attitude towards hand hygiene behaviors of healthcare professionals. Nursing students, such as patients and their relatives, can be included in hand hygiene campaigns for healthcare professionals, provided that the program steps are well planned.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students, Nursing , Infection Control/methods , Health Personnel , Hand Hygiene , Hospitalization , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218386


Background: Hand hygiene is documented as one of the foremost techniques to prevent cross-transmission of germs. Objectives: This paper aims to assess the knowledge of hand cleanliness among medical students and working nurses. Methods: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study, carried over a sample selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. The questionnaire used here to assess the knowledge and practice on hand hygiene was adapted from the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care. The data thus collected were presented in terms of counts and percentages. Chi-square test was used to test the significance of the differences, and a p-value of less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Overall, 92.08% of participants have received training in handwashing. Twenty-five (41.60%) medical students believed that the microbes already present with the patient were responsible for hospital-acquired infection (HAI). Medical students had significantly higher knowledge than working nurses regarding dryness of skin due to hand rubbing over handwashing (p<0.05). Medical students also had substantially higher awareness about the performance of handwashing and hand rubbing in sequence (p<0.05), which they think was not right. Knowledge on the colonisation of hands with harmful microbes was more with the nurses. Conclusion: There is a need to increase awareness among medical students and nurses regarding procedural hand hygiene methods to prevent HAI. The current findings can be a basis for conducting a training programme on hand hygiene practices for the medical students, including paramedical staff members.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 68(1): 59-65, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125607


Abstract Introduction: Knowledge about healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) among health professionals is fundamental to reduce morbidity and mortality rates attributable to these infections. Objective: To assess the level of knowledge on HAIs in final-year students enrolled in the School of Health Sciences of Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was conducted in a stratified random sample (n=98). A survey was administered to all participants in order to determine their knowledge about 3 specific areas: basics of HAIs, universal precautions and hand hygiene. Students who obtained an average score of 17.5 were considered as having an adequate level of knowledge about HAIs. Results: Participants' average age was 24.9 years, and 74.9% were female. The average scores of nursing, medical and bioanalysis students were 18, 18.04 and 17.25, respectively; the total average score was 17.87. 59.2% of the respondents obtained a passing score. In terms of the 3 areas of knowledge assessed in the survey, most of the students obtained a failing score in basics of HAIs (n=78) and the Hand hygiene (n=76) components, while the majority (n=91) had a passing score in the Universal precautions area. Conclusions: In general, all respondents have adequate knowledge about HAIs and their prevention. However, regardless of the academic program they were enrolled in, students showed a lack of knowledge regarding specific aspects of HAIs, such as the source of the microorganisms that cause these infections or the proper use of gloves, thus it is necessary that more attention is paid to these issues in their curricula.

Resumen Introducción. El conocimiento acerca de las infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud (IAAS) en profesionales en salud es fundamental para disminuir las tasas de morbimortalidad causadas por estas infecciones. Objetivo. Evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre las IAAS en estudiantes del último año de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo realizado en una muestra aleatoria estratificada (n=98). Se aplicó una encuesta para determinar los conocimientos de los participantes sobre 3 áreas específicas: generalidades sobre IAAS, precauciones universales e higiene de las manos. Se consideró que los estudiantes tenían un conocimiento adecuado si obtenían un puntaje promedio de 17.5. Resultados. La edad promedio de los encuestados fue 24.9 años y el 74.9% fueron mujeres. En promedio, los estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería, los de Medicina y los de Licenciatura en Bioanálisis obtuvieron 18, 18.04 y 17.25 puntos, respectivamente; el 59.2% de los respondientes aprobó la encuesta y el puntaje promedio total fue 17.87 puntos. En cuanto a las tres áreas de conocimiento evaluadas, la mayoría de estudiantes reprobó Generalidades sobre IAAS (n=78) e Higiene de las manos (n=76), mientras que la mayoría (n=91) aprobó Precauciones universales. Conclusiones. En general, los estudiantes encuestados tienen un conocimiento adecuado de las IAAS y su prevención; sin embargo, independiente del programa académico, se evidenciaron deficiencias en aspectos puntuales del tema, tales como la fuente de los microorganismos causantes de las IAAS y el uso adecuado de guantes, por lo que es necesario que los currículos de estos programas profundicen más al respecto.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 53(1): 53-61, mar. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001078


Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, para evaluar el conocimiento sobre infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud (IAAS) y la progresión de su adquisición, en estudiantes de Licenciatura en Bioanálisis de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. Se aplicó una encuesta para investigar conocimientos en tres áreas específicas: generalidades sobre IAAS, precauciones universales e higiene de manos. Se consideró que los estudiantes tenían un conocimiento adecuado si obtenían un puntaje promedio de 17,5. Se encuestaron 367 estudiantes, 77,9% del género femenino. La edad promedio fue 21,9 años. Se obtuvo un puntaje promedio de 16,5. Los estudiantes del VIII semestre alcanzaron el puntaje más elevado (18 puntos) seguidos por los cursantes de los semestres V y VII con puntaje promedio de 17,7. Los estudiantes de los restantes semestres no aprobaron la encuesta. Los estudiantes aprobaron el área de precauciones universales, pero no en generalidades de IAAS e higiene de manos; sin embargo, se pudo observar una tendencia positiva en la adquisición de conocimientos a medida que los estudiantes avanzaban en sus estudios. Los estudiantes no poseían conocimientos adecuados sobre IAAS, pero se observó un aumento progresivo en la adquisición del conocimiento.

A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge about healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) and progression of their acquisition, in students of the Bachelor in Bioanalysis of the School of Health Sciences of the Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. A survey was carried out to investigate their knowledge in three specific areas: generalities about HCAI, universal precautions and hand hygiene. Students were considered to have adequate knowledge if they obtained an average score of 17.5. A total of 367 students were interviewed, 77.9% of the female gender. The average age was 21.9 years. An average score of 16.5 wasobtained. The students of the eighth semester obtained the highest score (18 points), followed by the students of the fifth and seventhsemesters with an average score of 17.7. The students of the remaining semesters did not passthe survey. The students passed the area of universal precautions, but not generalities of HCAI and hand hygiene, however, a positive tendency could be observed in the acquisition of knowledge while the students advanced in their studies. The students did not have adequate knowledge about HCAI, however a progressive increase in the acquisition of knowledge was observed.

Um estudo descritivo, de corte transversal foi feito para avaliar o conhecimento sobre infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde (IRAS) e à progressão de sua aquisição nos estudantes de Licenciatura em Bioanálise da Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade de Oriente, Venezuela. Um questionário foi aplicado para pesquisar os conhecimentos em três áreas específicas: conhecimento geral das IRAS, precauções universais e higiene das mãos. Considerou-se que os estudantes tinham conhecimento adequado se obtinham uma nota média de 17,5 pontos. Foram entrevistados 367 estudantes, 77,9% do gênero feminino. A média de idade foi de 21,9 anos. A nota média obtida no questionário foi de 16,5 pontos. Os estudantes do VIII semestre atingiram a maior nota (18 pontos) seguidos pelos estudantes dos semestres V e VII com nota média de 17,7 pontos. Os estudantes dos demais semestres não aprovaram o questionário. Os estudantes aprovaram na área das precauções universais, mas não em conhecimentos gerais das IRAS nem higiene das mãos, embora tenha se observado uma tendência positiva na aquisição de conhecimentos na medida em que os estudantes avançaram em seus estudos. Os estudantes não têm conhecimentos adequados sobre IRAS, no entanto se observou um aumento progressivo na aquisição do conhecimento.

Humans , Universal Precautions , Infection Control , Infections , Schools , Cross-Sectional Studies , Knowledge , Delivery of Health Care , Health Sciences , Microbiology
Rev. méd. Maule ; 33(2): 13-19, sept. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292502


INTRODUCTION: Ventilator-associated pneumonia is the sixth nosocomial infection most frequent in Chile. Considering the high mortality associated in this infection, it is important to know the local agents and their respective resistances and susceptibilities to choose and appropriate management. OBJECTIVE: Describe the resistance and susceptibilities to antibiotics of the most frequent microorganism in ventilator-associated pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit at Hospital Regional de Talca. METHODS: We studied the resistance and susceptibility to antibiotics to each organism isolated in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit at Hospital Regional de Talca since 2013 to 2016, according to the reports of the Cross Infection Unit at this establishment. OUTCOMES: We collected 59 cases and there were 29 cases of them with one microorganism. The highest incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia was in 2014, while the lowest was in 2015. The most frequent agents isolated were A. baumannii (32,2%), S. aureus (30,1%), P. aeruginosa (10,75%) and K. pneumoniae (10,75%). In general, we found that the highest resistence to antibiotic was to Ceftriaxone, while the highest susceptibility to antibiotic were to Vancomicine and Tigecicline.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/microbiology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Chile , Cross Infection , Retrospective Studies , Patient Selection , Drug Resistance, Bacterial
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 21(236): 2037-2041, jan. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-907864


O estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil das infecções hospitalares na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital, interior de São Paulo.Estudo retrospectivo, quantitativo, sendo os dados coletados através da CCIH. A taxa de pacientes com infecções hospitalares foi de 21,8%,o trato respiratório o sítio mais acometido (60,9%) e Acinetobacter spp e Staphylococcus aureus os patógenos mais encontrados. O óbito por infecções hospitalares foi mais frequente em mulheres (p=0,0322), idosos (p=0,0002) e em pacientes com maior dias de internação(p=0,0143). Os resultados apontam a necessidade de ações de prevenção e controle deste agravo.

This study aimed to know the profile of hospital infections (HI) in the Intensive Care Unit of a countryside hospital in São Paulo. It is a retrospective,quantitative study, with data collected through the CCIH. The rate of patients with HI was 21,8% and respiratory tract (60.9%) wasthe most affected site, and Acinetobacter spp and Staphylococcus aureus were the most found pathogens. The death for HI was found morefrequent in women (p=0.0322), in the elderly (p=0,0002) and patients with more days of admission (p=0.0143).The results show the needfor prevention and control of this disease.

El objetivo fue conocer el perfil de las infecciones hospitalarias (IH) en la unidad de terapia intensiva de un hospital en el interior de São Paulo.Estudio retrospectivo, cuantitativo y con datos recogidos a través de CCIH. La tasa de pacientes con IH fue 21,8%, el sitio más afectado eltracto respiratorio (60,9%), y Acinetobacter spp y Staphylococcus aureus los patógenos predominantes. La muerte por IH fue predominante en las mujeres (p=0,0322), ancianos (p=0,0002) y en pacientes con mayor número de días de hospitalización (p=0,0143). Son necesarias acciones de prevención y control de esto agravio.

Humans , Cross Infection/complications , Cross Infection/diagnosis , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Cross Infection/mortality , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Cross Infection/transmission , Health Profile , Infection Control , Intensive Care Units , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. enferm ; 70(2): 442-445, Mar.-Apr. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-843638


ABSTRACT Hand hygiene represents a fundamental nursing care practice and is traditionally considered the most important and effective measure in the prevention and control of healthcare-related infections. However, studies indicate that adherence to the procedure is unsatisfactory throughout the world, and show low adherence rates. In a context in which patient safety stands out as a priority, this text submits refl ections about professional responsibility when not adhering to hand hygiene practices, and ethical aspects related to this conduct.

RESUMEN La higienización de las manos (HM) representa una práctica fundamental del cuidado de enfermería, y es tradicionalmente considerada como la medida más importante y eficaz para la prevención y control de infecciones relacionadas a la atención de salud. No obstante, estudios expresan que la adhesión al procedimiento no es satisfactoria en todo el mundo y evidencian bajas tasas de adhesión. En un contexto en el cual la seguridad del paciente se destaca como prioridad, el texto reflexiona acerca de la responsabilidad profesional al no adherir a las prácticas de HM y sobre aspectos éticos relacionados a dicha conducta.

RESUMO A higienização das mãos (HM) representa uma prática fundamental do cuidado de enfermagem e é tradicionalmente considerada como a medida mais importante e eficaz na prevenção e controle de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Entretanto, estudos apontam que a adesão ao procedimento é insatisfatória em todo o mundo e evidenciam baixas taxas de adesão. Num contexto no qual a segurança do paciente destaca-se como prioridade, o texto traz reflexões acerca da responsabilidade profissional ao não aderir às práticas de HM e de aspectos éticos relacionados a essa conduta.

Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Hand Hygiene/standards , Iatrogenic Disease/prevention & control , Nurses/psychology , Nurses/standards
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 12(1)jan.-mar. 2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-707349


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVO: Infecções associadas a serviços de saúde representam maior morbimortalidade e custo, além de contribuírem em até 50% dos óbitos hospitalares. Serviços de Controle de Infecções Hospitalares possuem um papel importante na promoção da segurança dos pacientes, uma vez que atividades de vigilância são uma importante ferramenta do processo decisório de cuidado de pacientes. O presente estudo visou caracterizar o dimensionamento e as atividades realizadas pelos Serviços de Controle de Infecções Hospitalares. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal, no qual foram visitados os 25 hospitais de Porto Alegre (RS), os quais foram caracterizados quanto a complexidade, capacidade instalada e atividades de controle de infecção realizadas. RESULTADOS: Os hospitais apresentaram características assistenciais de serviços especializados, entretanto parcela importante dos serviços encontrava-se subdimensionada em relação à legislação vigente, não realizando, muitas vezes, atividades de prevenção e controle de infecções associadas a serviços de saúde, consagradas na literatura. CONCLUSÃO: Foi identificado um cenário de inadequação à legislação vigente, mostrando dados que sugerem necessidade de revisão dos requisitos legais que regem a formação dos Serviços de Controle de Infecções Hospitalares no Brasil.

Background and Objective: The healthcare-associated infections represent morbi-mortality, costs and can be related to up to 50% of deaths that take place in hospitals. Infection Control Services have a central role in patient safety because surveillance actions are very important to support decision-making during patient care. This study aimed at characterizing the dimension of, and activities performed by Hospital Infection Control Services. Methods: Cross-sectional study that visited 25 hospitals in the city of Porto Alegre (state of Rio Grande doSul, Brazil). The hospitals were characterized in terms of complexity, capacity and infection control activities performed. Results: The hospitals have high complexity; however, a great number of Infection Control Services are under-dimensioned regarding current legislation, and do not perform some actions of prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections, as stated in literature. Conclusion: We found inadequacy to legislation, suggesting the need for reviewing legal requirements that regulate Infection Control Services in Brazil.

Cross Infection , Infection Control
Rev. chil. infectol ; 30(6): 622-625, dic. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-701710


Introduction: Identification of patients with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin resistant Enterococci (VRE) is essential to limit the spread of these agents, through the use of isolation and contact precautions. Traditional microbiology has a long turn around time (3-5 days) extending the time of isolation, increasing complexity and cost of these patients. Objectives: To implement a new real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) GeneXpert R for SAMR and VRE detection. To compare costs and turn around time of PCR versus traditional cultures. Methods: Two periods were compared, in the first, traditional microbiology (standard group) was used, and in the second, only PCR was used (PCR group). Results: MRSA or VRE were identified in 29.9% of patients in the PCR group and in 9.6% in the standard group. Turn around time was 15 ± 9 hours in PCR group and 53 ± 23 hours in standard group. PCR group had a net cost of USD 245 per patient and standard group USD 530 per patient. Discussion: PCR technique GeneXpert R for MRSA and VRE had a positive impact in the management of these patients and justifies its inclusion.

Introducción: La identificación de pacientes con Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina (SARM) y Enterococcus resistente a vancomicina (ERV), permite limitar su diseminación usando aislamiento en cohorte y precauciones de contacto. Los resultados de los cultivos microbiológicos demoran 3 a 5 días, lo que retrasa el retiro de las precauciones y agrega costos económicos. Objetivos: Implementar técnica de reacción de polimerasa en cadena en tiempo real (RPC), GeneXpert R, para SARM y ERV y comparar tiempos de respuesta y costos en relación al uso de microbiología convencional. Material y Métodos: Se compararon dos períodos, uno en que se usó solo RPC (grupo RPC) y otro histórico, en el que se usó microbiología tradicional (grupo estándar) Resultados: Se confirmó SARM y/o ERV en 29,9% de los pacientes del grupo RPC, y en 9,6% del grupo estándar. Los tiempos de respuesta fueron 15 ± 9 h (grupo RCP) y 53 ± 23 h (grupo estándar). Los costos directos por paciente fueron de USD 245 en el grupo RPC y de USD 530 en el grupo estándar. Discusión: La RPC en tiempo real, GeneXpert, para SAMR y ERV tuvo un alto impacto alto clínico que justifica su incorporación.

Humans , Enterococcus/isolation & purification , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Patient Transfer , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/economics , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Vancomycin Resistance , Enterococcus/drug effects , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Staphylococcal Infections/diagnosis , Staphylococcal Infections/economics , Time Factors
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 42(3): 182-187, maio-jun. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-678421


Introduction: Literature has reported inadequate oral hygiene conditions in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients and the occurrence of Ventilator-associated pneumonia in about 9%-27% of all intubated patients. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate ICU patient's oral conditions and correlate this with the presence of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Material and Method: Twenty-three patients were categorized in the following way: with periodontal disease and ventilator-associated pneumonia, with periodontal disease and without ventilator-associated pneumonia, without periodontal disease and with ventilator-associated pneumonia, and with neither periodontal disease nor ventilator-associated pneumonia. The periodontal disease index, plaque index, and decay-missing-filled index were used in the assessment. Result: There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of periodontal disease with respect to ventilator-associated pneumonia, but the number of teeth and surfaces with attachment loss above 4 mm was always greater in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. Conclusion: The extent of periodontal disease may contribute to the onset of ventilator-associated pneumonia. However, studies with a larger sample are needed to validate this relationship.

Introdução: A literatura vem relatando condições inadequadas de higiene oral de pacientes em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) e a ocorrência de Pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica em cerca de 9%-27% de todos os pacientes intubados. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar condições orais de pacientes críticos e correlacionar com a presença de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica. Material e Método: Vinte e três pacientes foram categorizados da seguinte maneira: com a doença periodontal e com pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica, com doença periodontal e sem pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica, sem doença periodontal e com pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica e sem doença periodontal e sem pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica. Foram utilizados na avaliação os índices de placa, de doença periodontal e índice de cariados, perdidos e obturados. Resultado: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na incidência da doença periodontal em relação à pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica, mas o número de dentes e superfícies com perda de inserção acima de 4 mm sempre foi maior em pacientes com pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica. Conclusão: A extensão da doença periodontal pode contribuir para o aparecimento de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica. No entanto, são necessários estudos com uma amostra maior para validar essa relação.

Oral Hygiene , Oral Hygiene Index , Dental Plaque Index , Dental Plaque , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated , Intensive Care Units , Periodontal Diseases , Chi-Square Distribution , Oral Health , Cross Infection , Statistics, Nonparametric
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-13015


PURPOSE: Autoclaves and UV sterilizers have been commonly used to prevent cross-infections between dental patients and dental instruments or materials contaminated by saliva and blood. To develop a dental sterilizer which can sterilize most materials, such as metals, rubbers, and plastics, the sterilization effect of an atmospheric pressure non-thermal air plasma device was evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After inoculating E. coli and B. subtilis the diamond burs and polyvinyl siloxane materials were sterilized by exposing them to the plasma for different lengths of time (30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and, 240 seconds). The diamond burs and polyvinyl siloxane materials were immersed in PBS solutions, cultured on agar plates and quantified by counting the colony forming units. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and significance was assessed by the LSD post hoc test (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: The device was effective in killing E. coli contained in the plasma device compared with the UV sterilizer. The atmospheric pressure non-thermal air plasma device contributed greatly to the sterilization of diamond burs and polyvinyl siloxane materials inoculated with E. coli and B. subtilis. Diamond burs and polyvinyl siloxane materials inoculated with E. coli was effective after 60 and 90 seconds. The diamond burs and polyvinyl siloxane materials inoculated with B. subtilis was effective after 120 and 180 seconds. CONCLUSION: The atmospheric pressure non-thermal air plasma device was effective in killing both E. coli and B. subtilis, and was more effective in killing E. coli than the UV sterilizer.

Humans , Agar , Atmospheric Pressure , Bacteria , Cross Infection , Dental Instruments , Diamond , Homicide , Lysergic Acid Diethylamide , Metals , Plasma , Plasma Gases , Plastics , Polyvinyls , Rubber , Saliva , Siloxanes , Stem Cells , Sterilization
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 15(174): 599-603, nov. 2012. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1029226


O estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil das infecções hospitalares na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital, interior de São Paulo. Estudo retrospectivo, quantitativo, sendo os dados coletados através da CCIH. A taxa de pacientes com infecções hospitalares foi de 21,8%, o trato respiratório o sítio mais acometido (60,9%) e Acinetobacter spp e Staphylococcus aureus os patógenos mais encontrados. O óbito por infecções hospitalares foi mais frequente em mulheres (p=O,0322), idosos (p=O,0002) e em pacientes com maior dias de internação (p=O,0143). Os resultados apontam a necessidade de ações de prevenção e controle deste agravo.

This study aimed to know the profile of hospital infections (HI) in the Intensive Care Unit of a countryside hospital in São Paulo. It is a retros- pective, quantitative study, with data collected through the CCIH. The rate of patients with HI was 21,8% and respiratory tract (60.9%) was the most affected site. and Acinetobacter spp and Staphylococcus aureus were the most found pathogens. The death for HI was found more frequent in women (p=0.0322), in the elderly (p=O,0002) and patients with more days of admission (p=0.0143).The results show the need for prevention and control of this disease.

El objetivo fue conocer el perfil de las infecciones hospitalarias (IH) en Ia unidad de terapia intensiva de un hospital en el interior de São Paulo. Estudio retrospectivo, cuantitativo y con datos recogidos a través de CCIH. La tasa de pacientes con IH fue 21,8%, el sitio más afectado el tracto respiratorio (60,9%), y Acinetobacter spp y Staphylococcus aureus los patógenos predominantes. La muerte por IH fue predominante en las mujeres (p=O,0322), ancianos (p=O,0002) y en pacientes con mayar número de días de hospitalización (p=O,O 143). Son necesarias acciones de prevención y control de esto agravio.

Humans , Risk Factors , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units , Cross Infection/prevention & control
Rev. costarric. salud pública ; 21(1): 19-22, jun. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657757


Evaluar el efecto de la luz ultravioleta germicida sobre los microorganismos ambientales y las condiciones de climatización en los cuartos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Calderón Guardia. Materiales y métodos: La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Calderón Guardia posee catorce cuartos individuales, de los cuales se seleccionaron dos cuartos contiguos para realizar el estudio. En cada cuarto se colgó una lámpara de luz ultravioleta germicida protegida, a sesenta centímetros de la rejilla de entrada del aire acondicionado a la habitación en la parte superior y se utilizó un tercer cuarto como control. Se tomaron muestras dobles de medio de cultivo con placas de Petri para bacterias (agar sangre) y hongos (Agar Papa Dextrosa “APD”) antes de encender las lámparas de luz ultravioleta y 5 horas posterior a su encendido. Resultado: Se encontró concentraciones ambientales de flora aerobia total no aceptables para una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos en los cuartos 1 y 3. El efecto de la lámpara de luz ultravioleta germicida fue absoluto sobre los hongos y no así sobre las bacterias, pero mejorando de manera significativa la calidad del aire de las salas, llevándolas a valores ambientales de limpio. Discusión: La mejor forma de mantener las áreas donde se concentran pacientes vulnerables tan libre de microorganismos como se pueda será garantizando el buen funcionamiento de los sistemas de climatización, disponer de cierre hermético/automático de puertas, limitar el número de personas que entren al personal necesario, mantener los protocolos de limpieza y de lavado de manos, uso de lámparas de luz ultravioleta germicidas protegidas en las zonas donde exista un adecuado flujo del aire garantizando el paso de este a través de la luz y así alcanzar el máximo impacto...

To evaluate the germicidal effect of ultraviolet radiation on environmental microorganisms and on the environmental conditions of the Intensive Care Unit at the Calderón Guardia Hospital. Methods: The Intensive Care Unit at the Calderon Guardia Hospital has fourteen single rooms; of which two adjacent rooms were selected for the study. In every room a protected germicidal UV lamp was hung, two feet from the air inlet of the air conditioner in the top of the room, and a third room was used as control. Duplicate samples were used as culture medium for bacteria using Petri dishes (blood agar) and fungi (potato dextrose agar “PDA”) before turning on the UV lamps and 5 hours after being turned on. Result: Environmental concentrations of total aerobic flora were found to be not acceptable for an Intensive Care Unit in rooms 1 and 3. The use of ultraviolet germicidal lamp was totally effective for fungi but not on bacteria, but it significantly improved air quality of the rooms, reaching clean environmental values. Discussion: The best way to keep vulnerable patient areas as free as possible from microorganisms is to assure the proper functioning of air conditioning systems, having an automatic and air-tight door-closing system, limiting the number of entering personnel, establishing and maintaining cleaning and hand-washing protocols, and using germicidal and protected ultraviolet lights, making sure that air flow is through these lamps, in order to achieve a maximum impact...

Humans , Bacterial Infections , Cross Infection , Fungi , Hospitals , Infection Control , Ultraviolet Rays , Costa Rica
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421882


ObjectiveTo explore the effective measures to prevent and control the hospital infections.MethodsThe hospital infections'data of 27 129 inpatients were retrospectively studied and retrospectively analyzed.ResultsThe nosocomial infection rate was 3.40%. The major sites of the infection were lower respiratory tract (50.05% ). The most common pathogens were mainly Gram-negative bacteria (41.91% ). The infection mainly occurs in old peple(75.34% ). The highest infection rate is in organ transplantation unit( 14.62% ). The factors of high risk included antibiotics(53.47% ), immunocompromise and invasive therapies. ConclusionTo improve the pathogen detective rate and the monitoring of antibiotic resistance ,to decrease the use of invasive therapies and to keep high risk areas under surveillance were the effective measures to control hospital infection and to reduce the incidence rate of hospital infection.